Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ephraim Milton Woodside

Ephraim Milton Woodside was the last born of 11 children of Robert H. and Ann (Hill) Woodside. He was born September 14, 1823 in Livingston County, Kentucky.

In March of 1846 Ephraim married Louisa L. Beard in Randolph County, Illinois. Louisa died about 1848 and there were no known children.

On April 16, 1850 Ephraim married Mary Jane Maxwell in Randolph County. Mary Jane was born September 17, 1826 in Randolph County, Illinois.

Ephraim and Mary Jane had 7 children:
  • Catherine Ann - born May 1, 1851 in Illinois; died August 3, 1881 in Monegaw Springs, St. Clair County, Missouri (according to The Family of Samuel Woodside by Robin Gadbury)
  • Robert Morgan - born February 26, 1853 and died December 19, 1856 in Illinois.
  • Harriet Velona - born June 8, 1854 in Illinois, died October 30, 1921 in Moorpark, Ventura County, California.
  • Mary Susan - born February 14, 1856 in Illinois; died July 31, 1880 in Illinois. She married Robert S. Minor on April 7, 1877 in Bond County, Illinois.
  • John Clark - Born April 4, 1858 in Bond County, Illinois; died April 3, 1896 in Hookdale, Bond County, Illinois. He married Susan Deborah Coburn on April 4, 1879 in Bond County. John is buried at the McKendree Cemetery.
  • Abraham Lincoln - born October 26, 1860 and died March 6, 1869 in Illinois.
  • Albert Lyman - born July 4, 1865 in Bond County, Illinois, died March 4, 1953 in Ventura County, California. He is buried at the Bardsdale Cemetery.
Ephraim died on March 19, 1873 in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois. I do not know where he is buried. Mary Jane died on July 20, 1917 in Moorpark, Ventura County, California, and is buried at the Bardsdale Cemetery.

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