Monday, November 3, 2008

Nancy F. Woodside

Born in November 1824 in Kentucky, Nancy was the 5th child of John J. and Nancy F. (Hamilton) Woodside.

Nancy married "James Moon of the City of Detroit State of Michigan" on July 13, 1858 in St. Louis County, Missouri. The marriage was performed by Philip McDonald, Justice of the Peace. Nancy and James had 3 children:
  • James - born 1859 in Missouri
  • Joshua H. - born December 1861 in Illinois
  • William - born about 1863 in Missouri
Nothing more is known about the children at this time. However, Joshua apparently was married since he is listed as a widow in the 1900 U.S. Census for Iron County, Missouri.

Nancy is living with son Joshua on the 1900 Census and is listed as a widow, so her husband James died sometime after the 1880 Census but before the 1900 Census. It is not known when Nancy died; she was 75 in 1900 and probably did not live much longer than that.

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