One of these sons - John - is believed to be the father of the following children:
- Samuel - born 1764, died 15 October 1863 in his 100th year [see previous posting]
- Elizabeth - nothing more known
- Joseph - living in Ballymoney in 1814
- Mary (?) - married a Mr. Chestnut [this name is probably not correct, see my note below]
- Sarah - married Mr. Hemphill [see previous posting]
- James - born 1777, died 1866; emigrated to South Carolina 1804/1805 [see previous posting]
- Other brothers
[NOTE: The Mary(?) mentioned above who married a Mr. Chestnut is probably not her correct name for 2 reasons - first, her name is followed by a (?) which would indicate the author was not sure of her name and second, my 3rd great grandmother Mary (Lyons) Smith was a sister to the above siblings but is not listed on the chart. It would appear that 2 daughters have been mixed up.]
I feel that the above information is mostly correct, as the other information on the family tree chart matches up with my research with just a few discrepancies. If anyone can shed any light on Joseph Lyons and his 3 sons, or can provide any kind of documentation, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
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