Tuesday, November 6, 2007

When I first started this blog page I wasn't sure how I was going to set it up. In order to get the large amount of information I have on the blog, it needed to be done in a gradual manner but also in a way that made some kind of sense. Also, I wanted readers to be able to find information on a particular family without too much hunting.

Still not quite sure what I was going to do, I started with my grandfather. Looking back at the blog now I see that I have worked mostly with my direct-line Woodside ancestors. There are a few side-steps to a couple of other connecting surnames, and a couple of children's families.

Since I have applied labels to the listings, a reader can go to the LABEL sidebar and click on a surname or individual name and see all postings under that name. Therefore, I have decided to continue to add direct-line ancestors under the connecting surnames, plus start working on the children of my ancestors and their individual families.

I will continue to add comments and miscellaneous information (hopefully helpful). Plus I am thinking of adding an occasional gravestone photo, even though I have a separate blog for "Cemetery and Gravestone Photos". Let me know if you would like me to start adding some of these photos here.

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